Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Electrolysis vs Laser Hair Removal

Electrolysis vs Laser Hair Removal: Which Works Better?

When deciding between electrolysis vs laser hair removal, you may be wondering what the difference is between the two and if one works better than the other. When deciding, you may want to do some research of your own. Talk to people who have had both procedures done. Ask them how often they had to have the procedure repeated, whether there was discomfort during or after the procedure and how much the procedure costs. You may also want to talk to a dermatologist who will know better than any lay person which procedure is better for you. You can also find lots of information online regarding which is better. It all comes down to what you're looking for, however, as some may have various ideas of what constitutes a better procedure.

New And Improved

Some may point out that, when deciding which is better, electrolysis vs laser hair removal, you used to see signs advertising electrolysis all the time. Now you see signs for laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is the newer and improved version of hair removal that seems to be the choice of many people. However there are still some who depend on electrolysis as they swear by it because it works. So the choice is up to you. When it comes to electrolysis vs laser hair removal, you might want to seek out laser hair removal information as well as information on electrolysis and then make your own decision.

What's the Difference?

When deciding between electrolysis vs laser hair removal, you should know the difference between the two. Electrolysis uses electrical charges to get rid of hair at the follicles and at the root. These charges prevent hair from growing. There are some people who claim to feel discomfort during as well as some time after the procedure.

Laser hair removal uses lasers. It's quick, it's painless and it works for many people.

However, some claim that laser hair removal isn't as permanent as a lot of people claim. Electrolysis seems to be more permanent for many people. So the choice is up to you. Do your own research, decide what it is you're looking for as far as hair removal goes and then you can find an establishment to do the procedure for you.

You should know that when it comes to electrolysis vs laser hair removal, both procedures will make it so that you don’t have to shave every day. Wouldn't that be great? Just make sure you find the procedure that includes everything you're looking for and then price around so you don't spend too much for the procedure you decide on.

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